Ledger & Looms specialises in sourcing handmade traditional and contemporary rugs and beautiful accessories from the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. Their team also designs and creates bespoke rugs inspired by Cayman’s unique seascapes.
For CAW24, Ledger & Looms is presenting a collaborative collection of exclusive artisanal rugs inspired by Caymanian artist Jo Austin alongside her paintings on canvas and drawings.
Located: 25 Galleria Plaza, West Bay Road, Grand Cayman (Google Map)
Social Media: L&L Facebook • Instagram • Jo Austin Facebook • Instagram
Website: ledgerandlooms.com • jopaintscayman.com
Contact: guru@ledgerandlooms.com • 345.325.7847
Opening hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Artwork ©Jorge Luis Gonzales ‘Yuque’. Courtesy of the artists.